Tamiya Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.L - 1/48

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TamiyaTamiya 32524 |怀

Sale priceĀ„ 1,496 Regular priceĀ„ 1,870


Tamiya 32524

We figured it couldn't be too long before the popular Pz.Kpfw.III made it to the 1/48 MM Series! This model joins the Tiger I, Pz.Kpfw.IV and Panther G as the latest German battle tank to arrive in the compact and detailed 1/48 scale.


About the German Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf.L
The Ausf. L version of the German main battle tank Pz.Kpfw. III was produced from July 1942, and possessed basic structure and performance specifications similar to previous versions. Armament consisted of an improved, long barreled Kwk50 L/60 tank gun, which was effective against Russian T34 tanks up to a range of 600m, plus two 7.92mm MG34 machine guns. Front armor thickness was increased to 57mm, and 20mm thick spaced armor was added to the gun mantlet as well. The suspension system was strengthened to cope with the 200kg of added weight. In total 635 Ausf. Ls were produced by the end of 1942, most seeing active service on the Eastern and North African Fronts.


About the Model
  • Assembly model of the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf.L on a compact 1/48 scale
  • Hull-mounted equipment depicted through a combination of molded and separate parts, realizing the perfect marriage of convenience and realism!
  • Commanders cupola hatch made from separate parts. Use with separately available figure for increase display options
  • Exquisitely molded model masterfully depicts Panzer IIIs distinctive front end and gun mantlet equipped with auxiliary armor plating
  • Die-cast lower hull for extra weight and enhanced realism
  • Tank treads are assembly type, with straight upper and lower treads made of single piece for easy assembly
  • Choice of 3 sets of markings
Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.L - 1/48

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