Tamiya JR Lg Dia Soft Tire Set Clear - PRO/Racer/Super/Fully/Aero

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TamiyaTamiya 15364 | 

Sale price¥ 194 Regular price¥ 242


Tamiya 15364

Offering 2 sets of slick tires that are softer and harder than kit-included Mini 4WD tires. Soft tires are designed to increase grip, improving acceleration ability. Hard tires are designed to decrease grip, improving cornering ability, and are less prone to bounce than soft or normal tires. Choose tire types to adjust machine settings, or customize configuration such as using hard front and soft rear tires. Each set includes 4 tires (2 front, 2 rear).

*Compatible chassis: Large diameter tire Mini 4WD Pro, Racer Mini, Super Mini, Fully Cowled, Aero and Mighty Mini 4WD machines.

JR Lg Dia Soft Tire Set Clear - PRO/Racer/Super/Fully/Aero

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